May 5Liked by J. Curtis

Such a lyrical line: " Out there was the rural sky so full of stars, and him." Before your explanation at the bottom, my engaged imagination took this little story somewhere completely different. It was a reminder to me that our readers interpret our words as they will, and it is not always where we intended.

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Oh! What did you imagine?

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May 5Liked by J. Curtis

I took it more metaphorically. He had died and she envisioned him as space dust out in the universe somewhere -- simply based on my own fantasies having lost someone I love deeply, and wanting to know she is still out there

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Ah! I like it. I think it was Carl Sagan who said “we are made of star stuff”.

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May 5Liked by J. Curtis

As I was reading it the song "Brandy" came to mind about a girl in a small coastal town who fell in love with a sailor who, she knew, loved the sea more than her. She would listen rapt to his sailor stories... but would never have him.

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Yes! As a story of longing Brandy is pretty good. Maybe a little dated in that she is described as “simple” and only really thought of as serving drinks.

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Love the ending, and yet I think my favorite line is this: “She wanted that for him.” When love allows the wanting of something that may take away the lover - that’s a deep kind of love. I like your reimagining from Mrs. Tom’s perspective.

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You’ve well captures that serenity and closeness with nature that characterizes rural areas! Gosh I miss them; they have an allure the city could never achieve…

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deletedMay 6Liked by J. Curtis
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Interesting, do you think every song? For me they kind of waver a bit, maybe peaking with Low. The pop 80s are fun but then it comes back with Heathen. Thoughts?

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deletedMay 6Liked by J. Curtis
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Well, you know, if you’re part of a conspiracy theory you must’ve done something right. And, jebus, thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole on that one. SMH.

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deletedMay 6
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Ha! It’ll only take me a few minutes to take down the red string and thumbtacks from my wall. No harm, no foul. Loved your piece on the Lou Reed bio. I’ll have to check it out.

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