I always love a good music rec, thank you! Also, your nonsequiturs (omg why can I not spell that word) are amazing. And thanks so much for the shoutout on my bear men story, J.!

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Spell check is my fiend. Also, good writing *should* get a shout out!

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Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the New Order piece.

P.S. This version of 'Cars' is dynamite. I'll bet I've seen it 20 times and it still gets me going.

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Me too!

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Fine plans. I look forward to whatever you allow us to see, J.

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Thanks Sharron!

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You handsome devil! Thank you!

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Thanks for shout out J. Have you seen Moon with Sam Rockwell?

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Yes! Sam Rockwell and Duncan Jones are a good team. I wished they did more together.

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May 22Liked by J. Curtis

I'm not sure how a psychoanalyst would interpret it but my take is that it's a feeling common to modern man

that we should wait for the experts approval before we can act. It reminds me of the scene in "Once Upon a Time in the West" where Henry Fonda makes fun of the guy for not trusting his pants.

Maybe it's one of those things that if you have to explain it, it isn't worth it, but the lyrics of "Cars" seems illusive. Is it about feeling safe in a bubble?

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Cars - open to interpretation. Maybe the safety of isolation, maybe we are a whole person only in our bubble (like a car)? Gary Numan said it was inspired by a road rage incident where he had to get away from some people in traffic.

Mining on the moon - I’m waiting for Freud.AI to tell me what it means 😉

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May 22Liked by J. Curtis

I can't wait to hear what Freud.AI has to say. I used 2 different AIs to get an opinion on what would make a good gift for a particular category of person. I'll have to say I was underwhelmed...

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Thanks for the mention, J, and I'm glad I could help. Excited to read this new project of yours. I have a feeling the rest of us will indeed find it interesting :)

As an aside, I love this format. A catch-all "clearing house of thoughts" between pieces. Such a necessity to find an easy way—once in a while—to provide value in a post. I might see how I could do something similar in the future between big-effort posts. It's got me thinking about what my own "format" for this sort of thing would be....

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Thanks for providing your thoughts! I look forward to the feedback.

The Dispatches are an ever-morphing format. Keeping them loose in style lets the substance ebb in, I hope, the right way. I keep some basic tenants: recent writing, music — but everything else is open to whim. YMMV

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