
Ha! I’ll have to think about the idea of a separate column. There’s hardly time now to get the writing done that I do.

Interesting thoughts about AI. Though, perhaps I should have called it something different because in the strictest sense {putting on my Linda Richmond voice:} it’s neither artificial nor intelligent – Discuss! But, that’s the nomenclature we’re using today. Maybe next month we’ll call it “pilfered semi-intelligence”?

I definitely agree about text – I feel that would be too far a cheat. Would it bother you to know that every picture on Tiny Worlds is generated by AI? And, the logo, too? I think of AI as a tool. And, as a tool it can offer, if wielded properly, results in the same way we think about different hammers in a toolbox – a finishing hammer, a tack hammer, a framing hammer, so on. It’s also the new toy, shiny and bright. But, if we’ve learned anything from Harry Nilsson: “You're not the only choo choo train/That was left out in the rain/The day after Santa came”

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SO much to consider.... so little time.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by J. Curtis

Universitas Pueritiae! Yes! Your questions are both hilarious and salient. All parents have to deal with this. I envision you having this title as a "section" on Dispatches - a newsletter within a newsletter. You would no doubt have a large audience. You could share the bizarre ways you found to answer the questions and elicit your readers' ideas. Give "prizes" for the best ideas you get from your readers to keep them interested. The blind leading the blind. I'd read it and I don't even have little kids!

As for voice overs? Your stories would be wonderfully enhanced. Your readers would definitely read and listen. As far as AI? A resounding NO. We would rather hear your real voice with all its hesitations and flubs and coughs and babies crying in the background than hear a machine. It is a slippery slope, J. First AI voice-overs, then AI "art" then AI text....?

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Also, I forgot to say: thank you for reading! I always love hearing your thoughts

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