
I’m J. Curtis, purveyor of words here at Tiny Worlds.

Now, let’s get something straight: I’m new to this whole thing as a toddler is to, well, everything. But who doesn’t love an underdog story, right?

Consider Tiny Worlds a buffet of literary snacks – some sweet, some savory, and others with an aftertaste you can’t quite identify. It’s a collection that mirrors life itself: messy, unpredictable, and full of plot twists.

So, if you’re into supporting the literary equivalent of a one-man band trying to play an orchestra, you’ve come to the right place. I promise you tales that are tiny but mighty, narratives that bend and twist, and the occasional peek into the mind of someone who still thinks he can change the world one word at a time.

You can subscribe via the link below or, if you’re the daring type, you can buy an ebook or paperback of some of my stories at my website: jcurtisauthor.com

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An out-of-the way place for flash and short fiction. Maybe a novel. Who knows.


Full-time raconteur, part-time dilettante